
Dearth of law school professors who study law department management (Oct. 23, 2005)

Commentary on a recent law review article about empirical legal studies – legal theory that is backed up by quantitative research in the social sciences, made me once again bemoan the absence of academic research on law department operations (Legalaffairs, Nov./Dec. 2005 at 64). The law review article ranked law schools on their commitment to empirical legal studies. (See my plaint against no peer review in law department management articles, March 18, 2005.)

Someday, perhaps, we might see empirical law department studies.

A rare exception came to my attention. James J. Cook was granted a PhD in 2004 by Claremont University based in part on his dissertation that applied transaction cost accounting to law departments. The dissertation is entitled, “Organizing Corporate Legal Services: Theory vs. Practice. {id=7046163}