One of the most common management-related activities is the lawyer or departmental retreat (See my post of Feb. 12, 2008: retreats and conferences with 8 references.). To provide general counsel with one option to consider for their retreat, I created a fixed-fee offering. I will present to your law department…
Articles Posted in Tools
A post in French about this blog and this blogster
Through the expert assistance of Richard Ramos and and Language Translation, which specializes in translation services, French-reading in-house counsel can find out more about this blog and its author, Rees Morrison. Rees Morrison, spécialiste d’expérience en matière de services juridiques, est l’auteur du blogue Depuis le 1er février 2009,…
Cartograms to depict data about law departments
A cartogram is a map which resizes countries or states according to certain data; it shows political boundaries from the data’s point of view. This method of data visualization appears in the Harv. Bus. Rev., Vol. 86, March 2009 at 112. The example is a map that shows the size…
Supplemental comments about decision-tree software by a partner who uses it
Brian Daley, the author of an article I cited (See my post of Feb. 22, 2009: software to depict and quantify decisions.), was kind enough to email me with some additional explanation. I have slightly edited the following excerpts. “I have only used TreeAge software. The mechanical process of creating…
Fixed fee for a law department’s benchmarking project! – Part 1 of 4
My aim has always been to keep marketing out of this blog, so I down-play the fact that I am without doubt the universe’s absolutely greatest consultant to general counsel. OK, well, my mom agrees. But it is only fair to break my vow of modesty to announce the first-ever…
Too bad that academics rarely pay attention to law departments
I am a closet academic, as long-time readers might have noticed. Ideas, research and writing interest me, and my blog posts are sometimes tiny efforts to teach. Too bad no group of law or business academics vigorously study and debate anything about law departments, let alone their management. Only sometimes…
Power law distributions in the sphere of law department management
In the sphere of law department management, power-law distributions probably describe a variety of distributions of data (See my post of Feb. 24, 2009: background on power laws.). Expensive lawsuits. Assuming $10 million in costs is the largest, the drop off can be predicted to the number of lawsuits costing…
More power to power-law distributions
Cases cited by the US Supreme Court, punitive damages awarded by federal courts, damages sought by class action plaintiffs, revenues of law firms in a given year, lawyers at law firms, relative renown of law firms, and many other aspects of the legal industry exhibit what are called power-law distributions…
Three comments about a conference for UAE in-house counsel
The In-House Congress United Arab Emirates 2009 will be held in Bur Dubai on 4th March 2009. From the online notice, three observations struck me. The first is that the website page states in red print “Note: Registrations for the In-House Congress is not open to non-hosting law firms, recruiters,…
Global Legal Professional certification for offshore LPO staff
Maya Karwande, then a rising senior at Tufts University, wrote a paper on Legal Process Outsourcing. that the blog Legally Yours published on July 19, 2008. You can learn about the Global Legal Professional certification from its website, but I quote from a portion of Karwande’s paper (four footnotes omitted).…