
Articles Posted in Tools


The need for a consensual model to assess the “maturity” of law department management practices

“The ethics and compliance community suffers, in my view, from the absence of a standard, adopted framework for what an integrated, effective compliance program looks like.” These are the words of Jack Holleran, a principle at Ernst & Young, from Met. Corp. Counsel, Vol. 17, May 2009 at 8. Ernst…


The lay of the land: seven “maps” for managers of corporate legal departments

For those who manage corporate attorneys, the term “map” has many applications (See my post of Jan. 1, 2008: the cartography of legal department operations; May 6, 2008: website for graphical explorations, including tree maps; and March 1, 2009: cartograms that link data to geography.). Maps allow us to depict…


Project management discipline useful inside law departments

Law Practice, Vol. 35, April/May 2009 at 45, refers to Diderico van Eyl, intellectual property counsel for SABIC Innovative Plastics, who uses project management techniques to improve legal work flow. As background, van Eyl mentions the Project Management Institute, which defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create…


Maps galore in the patent world

A presentation at a recent conference, by Andre Marais of Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, explained five maps regarding patents – visual depictions of information – that his firm can prepare for clients. The examples shown in the presentation appear to be elaborate Excel spreadsheets with colored cells and shaded columns…


Four techniques from one company regarding management of intellectual property

A company I consulted to is steeped in intellectual property (IP) and four of its practices regarding those assets struck me as worthy of note. The company runs three “IP Review Boards” – one for each business line, because they each have completely different technologies. On each board are representatives…