General counsel out there, think of blog posts as a way to spread your gospel! I volunteer to publicize the specific messages of any general counsel. Even more, if you mention specific firms, either with praise or with scorn, those firms will prick up their ears and hear your message…
Articles Posted in Tools
Another silver-tongued platitude, but how in the world do you implement it?
Having just railed at “win-win” fee arrangements, I might as well lash out at another empty slogan. This one slithers out of a profile in Corp. Bd. Mbr., Vol. 12, 2nd Quarter 2009 at 46, where a general counsel touts her “efficiency strategy.” Under that strategy, the legal department “make[s]…
Decision analysis and estimating litigation costs: Paper Chace
From Ron Friedman’s post about Juridica and other groups that invest in lawsuits, I read a comment by Jacob Ruytenbeek, host of the blog Paper Chace. Ruytenbeek offers another choice in the world of decision-tree software and services. It’s but a small grove, not a forest, but I have written…
Work breakdown structure (WBS), a tool of project management for legal departments
Your legal department has to ramp up to accomplish a large acquisition. Because large projects such as this involve many activities, your lawyers need some way to determine what will need to be done so that they can manage time, costs, and ultimately expectations. Skilled project managers often accomplish this,…
Corporate Legal Exchange run by the Corporate Executive Board
This online site, founded by the Corporate Executive Board in 2007, is “Designed for organizations with annual revenue less than $1 billion.” It is managed by the team that operates the General Counsel Roundtable and “serves legal executives and their teams with unlimited access.” The site doesn’t state the subscriber’s…
Eleven reasons why in-house lawyers value online legal professional networks
A survey conducted a year ago on behalf of LexisNexis, hosts of Connected, gathered responses from more than 449 in-house attorneys (See my post of Oct. 12, 2008: background details on the poll; and June 9, 2009: some questions about data on social networks used by corporate counsel.). One question…
More collective actions by law departments
Joint efforts by a number of legal departments for their collective good have shown up frequently on this blog. As early as four years ago I collected several instances (See my post of Oct. 14, 2005: collective activities by law departments with 5 references). Time passes, the blogging hand writes,…
Bias against consultants, but what are partners in law firms except specialized consultants?
Many people consult to legal departments; partners at law firms consult to legal departments. Why such different attitudes by general counsel toward the two roles? A consultant, experienced with other legal departments and their management efforts, objective in assessments, creative and forceful with ideas, and committed to concentrating on a…
A framework for models of law department operations
A model simplifies reality so that the analyst can grapple with the fundamentals of a system (See my post of July 14, 2006: narratives, theories and models; and May 21, 2009 #3: three kinds of formal models.). Some primitive verbal models aim to do something similar for legal departments (See…
Courtesy of Doug Cornelius, 15 more compliance-related blogs
The all-seeing Doug Cornelius, host of the excellent blog Compliance Building, saw my recent post about 16 compliance-related blogs (See my post of May 20, 2009: corporate governance, ethics and CSR.). Much more versed than I in this area, he recommended 15 more blogs, and I deeply appreciate his contribution.…