
Articles Posted in Tools


A model for law department management: the components of processes, tools, and productivity

As posted previously, in-house counsel engage in various processes (See my post of April 27, 2006 on the term “processes.”). For all processes – think illustratively of contract review or preparation of responses to EEOC charges – lawyers develop methods and materials that help them accomplish the processes – think…


Corporate secretary and board member packages may merge

Spell-checkers and redlining merged into word processing; electronic billing merged into matter management; graphics capabilities merged into spreadsheets. Likewise, software that serves the needs of a corporate secretary function will over time merge with software that helps Board members communicate (See my post of July 19, 2006 on Board software.).…


Natural experiments are all that are left to researchers of law department management

To opine credibly and scientifically on the degree to which law department practices bring benefits, such as assessment of cases within 60 days of the complaint being filed, someone would have to follow the disciplines of scientific experiment. Take 100 random law departments and require them to follow the ECA…


Law department management narratives, theories and models (compared to economics)

The earliest economists, such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill, wrote in natural language and used narrative to describe what they understood. Most of what we now understand about how law departments operate comes in narrative discourse. We read someone’s armchair ideas about good management and wade…