
Articles Posted in Tools


The immensity of electronic documents, or why law departments have aggressively tackled e-discovery

Various posts have referred to the in-house discovery groups and organizations that law departments have created in response to the digital tidal wave and the exigencies of e-discovery (See my posts of Feb. 1, 2006 about Altria; Aug. 26, 2006 #1 about Cendant; Feb. 14, 2007 about Halliburton and the…


Data on international arbitrations but a biased conclusion

A survey and report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers concisely explains (at 6-7) what it describes as the four most important advantages of international arbitration: flexibility of procedure (66 of the 103 online participants selected it), privacy (54 selected it), choice of arbitrators (49 respondents), and enforceability of awards (48). The report then…


Cottage industry: third parties who answer calls on Ethics lines (McKesson)

McKesson has made available online its “Comprehensive Compliance Program.” The program has seven elements, one of which is a no-cost telephone number for employees to call to report possible violations. As McKesson states it, “McKesson has established a toll-free EthicsLine, available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, which can…


A day of legal workshops for high school students, and teaching classes (Marriott Vacation Club)

In October 2006 the 21 members of Marriott Vacation Club International’s law department (MVCI), hosted 80 students from a Florida high school for a day of workshops. The event was part of a MVCI program and partnership with Street Law, Inc. and the Association of Corporate Counsel’s (ACC) Corporate Legal…