
Articles Posted in Tools


From game theory, an application of the prisoner’s dilemma to law departments

Imagine a three-lawyer department where both reports to the soon-to-retire general counsel are in competition with each other for the promotion. If each lawyer rigorously controlled the costs of the law firms he or she manages, both would be better off because, let’s postulate, they could both be paid more.…


Upscale research into how large companies purchase corporate legal services

The Program on the Legal Profession, based at Harvard Law School, is collaborating with the American Bar Foundation (ABF) on a project to examine the processes by which the legal departments of large corporations go about finding, selecting, and evaluating outside counsel. The project’s approach is to use in-depth interviews…


College of Law Practice InnovAction Award for law departments

The College of Law Practice Management (of which I am a member) sponsors the InnovAction Award, which is designed to identify and honor innovation in law practice management. If your legal department has done something innovative – whether with technology, talent management, outside counsel, organizational structure or otherwise – please…