
Articles Posted in Tools


Eleven methods to represent quantitative data for the eye, with data visualization

A stunning chart, available at Visual Literacy colorfully and usefully displays a “periodic table of visualization methods.” The chart shows 86 methods, clustered like an atomic element chart, for data, information, concepts, strategy, metaphor and compound methods (See my posts of Dec. 9, 2005: data visualization software and some uses;…


Continuous flow of ideas about how to manage a law department does not necessarily lead to consensus

For some time I have thought that in the free market of ideas, where examples, experiences and exhortations about how best to manage an in-house team are widely circulated, the better ideas would rise to the top. Thereafter, the good ideas would become increasingly more common as a Darwinian selection…


Electronic receipt of invoices should be treated separately from transmission of approved invoices to accounts payable

One worthy objective is to receive bills from law firms in electronic format; a second objective, distinctly more complicated, is to convey the information about bills your have approved to your company’s accounts payable system. Be that system Oracle, SAP, or some other Enterprise Resource Program (ERP), the proper accounting…


Twins (2), braids (3), and DNA (4) as metaphors for the number of fundamental management concerns

Two overarching and equal terms could describe all of law department management: people and processes. The concept of people encompasses all aspects of talent management, cognitive styles, and leadership. We might even include outside counsel in people. Perhaps we would call that side the Dionysian twin. The Apollonian twin, processes,…