
Articles Posted in Thoughts/Observations


HSBC Japan’s general counsel on secondment, strap line, GCs new to company and panels

The general counsel of HSBC Japan features in a profile in Asian-Counsel, e-edition March 2009 at 38. Michael Hancock, while practicing at Lovells and before joining HSBC, took a six-month secondment with Standard Chartered Bank. A few years later he took a second secondment, at Nishow Iwai (now Sojitz). Lengthy…


Rees Morrison’s Morsels #96 – additions to earlier posts

Nice folks shouldn’t be expected to finish last. “People tend to see warmth and competence as inversely related.” As explained in the Harv. Bus. Rev., Vol. 86, Feb. 2009 at 24, being nice doesn’t mean being incompetent. Nor, of course, is being mean a sign of effectiveness. Unfortunately, both inferences…


Rees Morrison’s Morsels #95 – additions to earlier posts

Data visualization software. Tableau Software’s offering looks impressive. Its software is“based on a proprietary technology called VizQL, a visualization query language that makes information from databases and spreadsheets almost instantly accessible in an easy-to-read form.” I spent some time on the website of Tableau Software and was intrigued at the…


Pedantic or precise: to discriminate between related management terms

Tease me for hair-splitting or praise me for hair-raising perspicuity, I will still continue to write about differences between similar management concepts. Many posts on these pages express my effort to use management terms precisely and correctly, such as the nuances between “effective” and “blended” rates, “litigation” and “lawsuit,” “statistics”…