
Articles Posted in Thoughts/Observations


Rees Morrison’s Morsels #125 – posts longa, morsels breva

Sergey Brin’s technique to test a candidate for an in-house law position. Ordinary people interview in the traditional mode (See my post of Sept. 3, 2008: techniques for those who interview.). Not Brin, one of Google’s billionaire co-founders. According to the Economist, Nov. 14, 2009 at 103, he “asks a…


End of year offer for law department management blooks – buy one, get two free

My three blog books (outside counsel management, talent management and structure) each compile several hundred posts on their topic, offer additional commentary to the structured layout, offer recommendations, and include many forms of indexes and search tools. Starting today until Thanksgiving, when you buy one you will receive the other…


Rees Morrison’s Morsels #124 – posts longa, morsels breva

General counsel compete with their peer executives in a company. Humans being what they are, proud and possessive, it follows that general counsel compete at least some of the time with their peer executives. Notwithstanding the internal exchange of legal services for technical, personnel, financial, and physical support from other…


Punctuated equilibrium in legal departments

The paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould popularized the theory that evolution proceeds from relative dormancy sometimes by leaps and bounds. Punctuated equilibrium, Gould named it, and the idea spread far beyond fossils and Darwin. Punctuated equilibrium may be an apt metaphor for legal departments. For long periods a department sails along,…


Rees Morrison’s Morsels #123 – posts longa, morsels breva

Payments to outside counsel expressed as constant currency. “Constant currency” means to state amounts in a currency expressed in relation to its purchasing power in a specified currency. For example, a legal department might calculate its constant dollar spend by applying an annual exchange rate to local currency results for…