
Articles Posted in Thinking


How important it is for a general counsel to have a wise head to turn to on very difficult or stressful decisions

Marc Firestone, the General Counsel of Kraft Foods, said a few words at the InsideCounsel SuperConference about the pressures of being alone at the top. “It is important,” Firestone said, “for the General Counsel to have a mentor outside the company whom they trust – a wise head.” He has…


Law departments should learn from “post-vivos” – why was some action a success

We have all heard about and maybe even taken part in post-mortems. What about when something good happens? Does any law department systematically celebrate success and examine why it happened? Let’s call such a positive look back a “post-vivo” and thank the Harvard Bus. Rev., April 2011 at 72, for…


It’s so hard for lawyers to learn from mistakes, and five reasons why

Hard on its explanation of “good failures,” an article in the Harvard Bus. Rev., April 2011 at 54, summarizes why organizations struggle to analyze failure constructively and learn from it. One reason is “because examining our failures in depth is emotionally unpleasant and can chip away at our self-esteem.” From…