
Articles Posted in Thinking


Brainstorming in groups or with individuals who then join groups; idea quantity and quality

MIT Sloan Mgt. Rev., Vol. 49, Summer 2008 at 11, offers some good ideas about brainstorming (See my posts of Nov. 28, 2005: mind-map software helps with brainstorming sessions; Dec. 9, 2005: the Delphi technique; Oct. 30, 2006: suggestions and two other points: have rules and push participants to prepare…


Do be caught napping, since research reveals that sleep enhances memory

Sleep researchers have found that power-napping, and even dozing for as little as six minutes, is enough to significantly enhance memory. “Several recent studies of sleep and sleeplessness show that slumber is especially important for doing clever stuff with information, such as extracting the gist of what has been learned,…