
Articles Posted in Technology


How far we are from gauging relative ROI of software that is common among legal departments

Vendors tout the benefits of their software, including its return on investment, but none of them can offer objective, comparative and empirical support. A recent white paper on contract management software directs us to this point. The conclusion states that “contract automation and management can save time, cut costs and…


Clearer terminology for software and when law departments modify it

When someone refers to “licensed” software it excludes software that it bought outright. That probably doesn’t happen much with law departments, but the term “commercial software” has broader, and more accurate coverage. In pursuit of clearer terminology, it may be more precise to refer to “home-grown software” rather than “customized.”…


As a software strategy, all-in-one compared to best-in-breed (and a word on platforms)

At some point of departmental size or maturity, general counsel often have a stake in several kinds of legal software. They and their managers confront whether to license “point solutions” that provide specific capabilities or to license fewer solutions that combine capabilities. Some departments favor a single vendor whose offerings…


A matter management system vendor with 400 law departments – Legal Suite

I have commented before on the amount of information Legal Suite makes public, in striking contrast to the close-mouthed approach of other matter management vendors (See my post of Jan. 27, 2012: revenue, specific users, installed base.). The company’s newsletter this month had more detail. “Heading towards the 400th customer?…


Terminology about what you can license: applications, programs, software packages, solutions, and systems – but no clear distinctions among the terms

If you’re reading this and your company sells software, help the rest of us with a comment. What are the differences between these five terms? Some connotations for me are below but many distinctions and definitions elude me, not to mention there may be other terms that deserve to be…


SharePoint and offerings built around it were plentiful at LegalTechNY

By my rough count, at least six vendors at LegalTechNY offered SharePoint applications. For example, Handshake Software explained to me that its software can draw on the structured, SQL data in any matter management system and put that data into SharePoint. It sounds like the ubiquitous software takes a step…


Matter management dominates at LegalTech NY for in-house lawyers, and a few consultants appeared

If you are with a law department, and if you are not interested in document review products – litigation support products, the pickings were slim at LegalTech NY other than matter management (See my post of Jan. 5, 2012: 11 matter management systems with booths at LegalTech.). Even consulting assistance…