At a recent conference, Mark Chandler, the General Counsel of Cisco, made an interesting distinction (See my post of March 8, 2007 on an earlier Chandler speech.). A law department can use software to streamline and speed a process such as producing the first draft of a common agreement. He…
Articles Posted in Technology
Call users to learn the most about software
Vendors of software are quick to provide you with references, but those may be hand-picked accounts that are highly unlikely to say anything other than compliments. Far better to scout around and find users of the software that the vendor did not provide as references. Question the vendor’s reference accounts…
More tips on vendor demonstrations of software
The worst thing to do is to allow a vendor to show you its prepared set of capabilities and examples. Get away from the canned brilliance and forage in reality. Give the vendor a short script of exactly what you would like to see in the order you would like…
DataCert acquires Corprasoft – a competitor’s comment
By contributing author Brad Blickstein, Blickstein Group, on legal service providers: I received a note from Rob Thomas of Serengeti Law yesterday, in reference to my post of May 10, “DataCert acquires Corprasoft.” Rob pointed out that, like some other companies I mentioned, Serengeti has integrated matter management and e-billing.…
Rules-based software that can guide inside counsel: Proskauer’s FMLA/ADA system
Met. Corp. Counsel, Vol. 15, June 2007, at 43, describes software available from Proskauer Rose and DecisionMaker Software. The software guides users through a series of straightforward yes or no questions regarding the Family Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. “By asking a simple set of questions,…
DataCert acquires Corprasoft
By contributing author Brad Blickstein, Blickstein Group, on legal service providers: Electronic billing provider DataCert just announced its acquisition of matter management company Corprasoft. This deal should at least raise the eyebrows of many who follow law department technology—both companies are among the leaders and have been around for quite…
(Not) using technology to cut legal costs?
By contributing author Brad Blickstein, Blickstein Group, on legal service providers: In the National Law Journal article on Cisco general counsel Mark Chandler (April 19, 2007), “Using Technology to Cut Legal Costs,” he tells a story of saving $250,000 per year with one of Cisco’s primary firms, Fenwick & West…
Using technology to optimize document review
By contributing author Brad Blickstein, Blickstein Group, on legal service providers: I read with great interest the National Law Journal article on Cisco general counsel Mark Chandler (April 19, 2007), “Using Technology to Cut Legal Costs.” Mr. Chandler is a proponent of using electronic tools to “mine all the documents…collect…
Software interests law departments and law firms almost equally
In February 2007, Edge Legal Marketing surveyed online people who had attended LegalTech New York. Eleven percent of the respondents were from law departments. One of the questions asked respondents to mark all of the software categories that they “checked out at Legal Tech.” Of the 51 choices, all but…
Compliance software for the Corporate Secretary – two additional capabilities
An informative advertisement/article in Met. Corp. Counsel, April 2007 at 35, describes the offerings of Corporation Services Co. (CSC) regarding software for corporate secretaries (See my posts of July 19, 2006 on board software, Aug. 9, 2006 on the merger of corporate secretary and board software; Oct. 1, 2006 on…