
Articles Posted in Technology


Contract management software for law departments

Databases that track information about contracts, often called contract management software, has earned the respect of many general counsel. It helps control the flow of contract development, obligations under executed contracts, key milestones, and responsible parties. This blog has referred many times to that genre of software (See my post…


Usefulness of IT applications supplied by law firms

PLCLaw Dept. Quart., Vol. 3, Jan.-March 2007 at 21, reports survey data about how a group of mostly European general counsel view technology offered for their benefit by law firms. A stacked bar chart describes seven applications according to whether they are deemed “extremely useful,” “very useful,” “useful,” “quite useful,”…


What is the difference between customized software and configured software?

When you customize software, someone writes new code. When you configure software, you rely on the code as written, but change field names, tables, arrangements on the screen, and other elements of the software (See my post of May 23, 2007 about GE’s technology efforts, the disadvantages of customized software,…


Four observations on a statement about data mapping software

The responsibilities of Leslie Lawson, the paralegal in charge of e-discovery for Eastman Chemical Co., include reviewing software that might help her tasks. In Corp. Counsel, Vol. 15, April 2008 at 76, an article describes Lawson’s role and mentions that “Eastman recently considered purchasing a software program to handle data…


Law departments commonly talk with their law firms about collaborative technologies

A recent survey found that “Approximately one-third (30%) of in-house counsel sought input from their law firms when evaluating collaborative technologies that they would use together, primarily online matter management and ebilling systems.” This finding comes from the 2007 ACCA/Serengeti Managing Outside Counsel Survey, selected results of which are presented…


The Law Department practice group of the International Legal Technology Association

PEER to PEER, Vol. 23, Nov. 2007, the magazine of the International Legal Technology Association describes ILTA’s Law Department practice group. Headed by Sally Letteri of United States Steel, it facilitates the sharing of information by law-department technologists. For example, the practice group will host a symposium on April 4,…