The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) released the results of its 2008 Law Department Survey of 45 law departments. One of the questions asked about the use of software that compares one version of a document to another version. The respondents reported use of three dedicated packages, one generic word…
Articles Posted in Technology
Another YouTube smash hit by this blogger (PG rated)
Back by popular demand, better than ever, here is your videogenic blogger starring in this second clip from LegalTech. It will rivet you to your seat (See my post of Feb. 3, 2009: the prequel has been viewed 37 times.). Unleash the viral marketing!
Eight matter management systems that exhibited at LegalTech NY
The same companies that provide matter management software for law departments exhibited this year as last year, minus that year’s Brazilian newcomer (See my post of Feb. 6, 2008: Tedesco.). Bridgeway Software (eCounsel, Law Manager) had a booth, and announced its partnership on the Secretariat side with Diligent Board Member…
The term “early case assessment” has a specialized meaning for litigation support
As I wandered the long aisles of e-discovery vendors at LegalTech the past two days I realized from at least two of the vendors that they use the term “early case assessment” with a definition different from how I have used it on this blog. Here I use it as…
Nine applications of Web 2.0 for law departments
For a charming and effective summary of Web 2.0 for law departments, read what Paul Lippe, the heart-and-soul of Legal OnRamp, flourishes in a recent column. Lippe includes six Web 2.0 capabilities in his description. He covers wikis, “an online editing and collaboration system organized around a document” and blogs,…
Clustify software analyzes posts on this blog and finds related ones
I keep searching for software that will enhance this blog. Two days ago, Bill Dimm, President of Hot Neuron, showed me one that impressed me. Dimm demonstrated as I watched how his Clustify software organized 354 of my posts on productivity. The algorithm looks for and brings together posts that…
Before your law department licenses software, ten questions to ask the vendor
Here is a double handful of questions that ought to be covered during a demonstration or presentation on software (See my post of Nov. 5, 2007: get more from software demos; Jan. 19, 2008: scripts for presentations by law firms; and April 27, 2006: five ways to improve demonstrations.). What…
Homage to to the humble, ubiquitous fax machine! Ecce Fax Romana
An inventor patented the facsimile in 1843. Fast forward 165 years and the utility is today universal. An important boost, according to Wired, Jan. 2009, at 47, came when courts “gave the tech a crucial blessing by certifying that a facsimile of a signature was legally valid.” Every law department…
Documenting the frequency of document management software in law departments
Data about the prevalence of document management software comes from the First Law Department Operations Survey, published by InsideCounsel and Blickstein Group in cooperation with Huron Consulting and David Cambria of Aon Corporation. Of the 26 respondents who provided data, most of which are from large law departments based on…
What four key benefits does a contract management system provide?
A contract management system can provide four primary benefits: (1) It serves as repository of executed agreements and allows users to search for them. Typically the contacts are stored as PDF files with a summary of their key information (name of the other party, type of agreement, business group that…