
Articles Posted in Talent


Stanton Marris’ Energy Index® and assessing the level of a law department’s engagement

Stanton Marris, a British consultancy (, has developed an Energy Index® questionnaire.  As I understand it, if a law department used the questionnaire, it would have its members rate on a six-point scale how important and how true are a number of statements.  Each statement bears on one of the…


Succession Planning and Sabbaticals

In my recent article ( I described ten important steps for general counsel to take in preparation for appointing a successor to their position. The article made me wonder why legal departments don’t institute programs for sabbaticals.  If a lawyer or paralegal has served well for five or seven years,…


Employee morale surveys: much less common than client satisfaction surveys

Researching my book, Client Satisfaction for Law Departments, I concluded that many more law departments measure their clients’ attitudes than measure their employees’ attitudes.  Odd, because contented employees are likely to serve their customers (clients) better (or so I surmise).  They are more likely to go the extra yard, work…