
Articles Posted in Talent


Executive development courses for high-potential counsel

Several years ago I attended the Harvard Business School program, Leading Professional Services Firms. Of the 50+ attendees, about 20 were partners at law firms, all of whom were British-based firms. It was a mind-expanding week, expensive but full of perspectives, examples, and provocative ideas about managing professionals. A program…


Forced ranking of lawyers in a department – a highly-problematic practice

Managers of effective corporate legal groups take time to evaluate their lawyers.  To some degree, inevitably, evaluations compare the performance of a particular lawyer to the performances of that lawyer’s peers.  What’s unusual, however, is to explicitly rank all the lawyers against each other.  (An article in 28 Legal Times…


Four myths debunked about quality of life for in-house practitioners

The legal search firm of Seltzer Fontaine Beckwith has upended some of the prevailing perceptions about in-house quality of work life compared to law firm life.  First, fewer hours worked has lost its in-house advantage as headcount constraints clash with increasing workloads.  Second, no pressure to develop business finds its…


“Corporate counsel lawyers’ job satisfaction highest among lawyers” (circa 1990)

This encouraging datum came from Susan Daicoff ’s article, “Lawyer, Know Thyself,” dated October 13, 1999.  I have quoted the summary, for which the citation was Chiu, 1998 at 533, referencing M. C. Fisk, “A measure of satisfaction,” Nat’l L.J. S2, S9-12 (May 28, 1990). Fifteen years have passed since…


Lawyers based in Europe – second languages (Eastman Kodak)

In November 1998, the Eastman Kodak legal department in Western Europe, having then ten lawyers in four countries, introduced a new structure.  A three-page summary of the changes included such measures as creating “horizontal” teams by the six E-K business units, rather than continuing with national lawyers handling national legal…