
Articles Posted in Talent


Appropriateness of a general counsel seeking to be the CEO’s consigliore (consiglieri)

Every consulting project I hear, “We want to be the trusted advisor of our clients, a consigliore.” Those who bandy the term about don’t know its illegal roots. The most common association of the Italian term is with gangsters, Mafiosa, Cosa Nostra racketeers. Discomfiting, isn’t it, that the Knoxville Bar…


The protean scope of the general counsel’s responsibilities – “reputational risk protector”?

True or false? “For large US companies and their general counsel, minimizing the risk of reputational damage is the biggest task confronting them today.” Magesterial words from the Financial Times (April 7, 2005 at 8), yet a thunderingly broad, and scary, assertion. Everything a company does either polishes or scratches…


“Human capital” reporting at CMS Cameron McKenna – insights for law departments

The British firm CMS Cameron McKenna published this year the first ever law firm “human capital” report. As reported in April by the Financial Times (at pg. 9), the report provides some data that law departments might also track and ponder. For example, secretaries took on average 6.6 sick days,…


Exit interviews as one door to improved management

A large financial services company I have assisted has an HR representative interview all lawyers who leave the department. The notes taken during those structured interviews can turn up some opportunities for improving how the department runs. People who leave may speak honestly, constructively, and objectively, especially if they are…