
Articles Posted in Talent


Your odds of hiring law firm associates are not all equal

Mark I. Sirkin, Ph.D., Hildebrandt International Since law departments recruit mostly from law firm associates, the more general counsel know about them the more successful recruiting and retention efforts will be. According to Hildebrandt International, Understanding Associates: New Perspectives on Associate Satisfaction and Morale (Somerset, NJ: 2007), associates divide into…


Exempt and non-exempt employees in US law departments

Almost all law departments have a mixture of exempt and non-exempt employees. Lawyers and law department administrators are exempt because they have management responsibility; secretaries, records clerks, receptionists, and messengers are among those who traditionally are non-exempt. Among two groups of law department employees there can be some grey area…


Practice area metrics for litigators: a proposal for a combined, scaled descriptor

Here is a possible metric for in-house litigation managers. It combines of two measures that capture workload and complexity. The absolute number of cases overseen by a litigator would be one component; the other the total amount spent on outside counsel by a litigator. You would have to scale the…