Three Canadian firms that provide lawyers to law departments for project work when needed are noted in the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association’s magazine (Autumn 2010) at 36. They are Cognition LLP, Delegatus Legal Services, and LexLocom. Cognition, the article notes, is five years old and has 24 lawyers. Delegatus, also…
Articles Posted in Talent
A clamor over the putative trend toward contract attorneys and outsourcing, but evidence from reliable data is absent
If Rand Corporation says something about data, you have to give it much due. They are careful and they understand the difference between bits and pieces of numbers and reliable data. So, attend to this caveat: “Descriptive data on the use of contract attorneys and outsourced legal talent are even…
Common reasons for people leaving a law department
A survey now underway asks law department respondents, “What have you found to be the most common reason for people [presumably, just lawyers] leaving the business [presumably, the law department]?” The four choices offered on the survey deserve comment: “Career progression,” “s alary,” “join competitor,” and “redundancy.” My supposition is…
Languages spoken by lawyers in a legal department: three levels of proficiency
When companies do business in many languages, their legal department can help more when it has lawyers who are conversant in those languages. Multi-lingual capability is a topic this blog has addressed (See my post of April 26, 2006: managing lawyers who do not speak English as a primary language;…
Higher pay, poorer performance for two years, and less job stability for external hires
Good reasons can be adduced for why a general counsel hires a senior lawyer from outside the department, but drawbacks to that decision persist. According to research reported in the NY Times, April 22, 2012 at BU7, external hires, “on average, make around 18 percent more money than internal employees…
Preferred management levers redirect behavior, they don’t try to reform culture
The Economist, April 14, 2012 at 76, writes that the current CEO of Honeywell took over in 2002. Rather than try to change values of employees, which are harder to measure, he focused on how to increase the frequency and effectiveness of a dozen important behaviors. General counsel can learn…
If one of your lawyers leaves to take a general counsel post, are there smiles or bile?
Talent is so hard to find, recruit and keep that when one of your strong performers announces that they are departing to lead another law department, do you feel good for them or do you gnash your teeth? Deep down you realize that ambitious, capable lawyers won’t want to wait…
Your search firm as a source of feedback for a new general counsel
Sometimes it is difficult for a general counsel to get objective feedback about personal performance. One source, tipped by an article in the ACC Docket, March 2012 at 69, could be the search firm that placed you. The source may strike you as strange, but if that firm has good…
The reverse of musical chairs when you promote from within the department
Promoting a lawyer from within has the advantage of letting you promote or reassign others at the same time. Like adding a chair to the musical game, you create choices regarding other members of your department. If you bring in someone from outside to fill a vacated slot, no one…
Additional thoughts about the five practice areas with the highest total cash compensation
An earlier post gave average in-house cash compensation for the five highest-paid practice areas: M&A, Antitrust, International, Intellectual Property – Licensing, and Tax (See my post of April 16, 2012: survey reports averages from $289,000 down.). That post focused on the relationship between cash compensation and the fully loaded costs…