
Articles Posted in Talent


Good practice to find and engage lawyers who are not actively seeking a job, aka passive job seekers

Not that much hiring is underway during these troubled times, and not that many general counsel want to devote time to potential hires, but an article in talent mgt., Dec. 2008 at 50, discusses attention to “passive job seekers.” “[R]esearch found 62 percent of best-in-class organizations are focused on creating…


Law department uses an online tool to diagnose team effectiveness

The autobiography of Borealis AG’s law department and its spunky general counsel, Ruth Steinholtz, appears in the ACC Docket, Vol. 26, Nov. 2008 at 38. Steinholtz and the coach/consultant she retained embraced wholeheartedly personal and team development activities. One of the goals was team effectiveness and a tool to get…


Law departments: a close-knit family or a leave-me-alone workplace

Several posts have commented on the emotional odyssey of Borealis AG’s law department and its deeply-committed general counsel, Ruth Steinholtz, which appears in the ACC Docket, Vol. 26, Nov. 2008 at 38. A small part of her many-pronged approach to departmental effectiveness appears at the end as Steinholtz summarizes the…


In-house counsel don’t job hop in the UK, so their salaries stagnate!?

“Speaking very generally, private practice lawyers tend to move firms frequently, while their in-house counterparts stay put.” Sapna Bedi FitzGerald, chair of the Commerce & Industry Group and head of legal at LSL Property Services plc made this remark and believes that the lack of movement from job to job…


Five behaviors highly correlated with failure among newly-promoted lawyers

Actually, Harv. Bus. Rev., Vol. 87, Jan. 2009 at 56, says that these are traps that befall managers who take on new leadership roles and go after “quick wins.” The managerial mistakes, however, sound all too familiar in law departments. Among the newly-promoted senior managers studied by the authors, between…


Full-page ad by Chevron’s Law Function honors one of its lawyers for contributions outside the department

An entire page in the American Lawyer commands a hefty tab, but there it is on page 12” “The Chevron Law Function is pleased to present the first annual William T. Coleman Award to José “Jay” Layug.” (I think that William T. Coleman was the fourth United States Secretary of…