
Articles Posted in Talent


Unusual facts about Michael Critelli, once Pitney Bowes’ general counsel and later its CEO

A profile in the Fin. Times, June 13, 2007 by Alan Cane, traces the career of one-time general counsel and then chief executive of Pitney Bowes, Michael Critelli. The piece dropped four tidbits. Critelli moved in-house for ethical reasons. After Harvard Law School, Critelli litigated in private practice until age…


A blook (blog book) on how to get more from your law department talent

My second blook organizes almost 300 posts related to talent management. Its 201 pages are organized in nine chapters and further organized by major topics within the chapters. My organizing theme for the chapters is chronological, from when you first think about hiring someone, through finding them, paying them, on…


Attrition rates at law departments range upwards from seven percent

According to the Altman Weil 2008 Law Department Metrics Benchmarking Survey at 108, the larger the law department, the lower the median percentage of lawyers leaving the department, as a percentage of the total number of departmental lawyers. In other words, the larger the department, the better it retains lawyers.…


An essential benchmark metric: lawyers per billion of revenue

The many posts on LawDepartmentManagementBlog about the ratio of lawyers per billion of revenue fall into three clusters: metrics for a specific company; explanations of what drives the metric; and wider-ranging coverage about the metric. In the course of describing specific law departments, I sometimes mention their lawyers per billion…


Data for small departments on the mix between salaries, bonuses and incentive compensation

The ACC Empsight Small Law Compensation Survey provides data about general counsel of law departments with fewer than 10 lawyers. The data comes from ACC Docket, Vol. 27, Jan./Feb. 2009 at 8. The Survey gives the mix for them between base salary, cash bonus, and long term incentive (LTI) amounts.…