
Articles Posted in Talent


Corporate lawyers have feelings too, more than they acknowledge

In his recent book, Amartya Sen refuses to elevate rationality above feelings. In fact, “reason and emotion play complementary roles in human reflection”(at 39), he observes, and later he reiterates the point. “Indeed, in celebrating reason, there is no particular grounds for denying the far-reaching role of instinctive psychology and…


Diversity’s much touted benefits bump into research findings on ineffectiveness

“To the dismay of many, relative to homogeneous groups, members of diverse groups display less attachment to each other, show less commitment to their respective organizations, communicate less with one another, miss work more often, experience more conflict, and take more time to reach decisions.” Ouch. This discouraging summary of…


Based on CEOs, do insiders promoted to GC tend to perform better and last longer?

A stimulating article in strategy+business, Summer 2010, at 80, describes research into the comparative performance of companies after CEOs are appointed from within (“insiders”) or from outside the company. “Four out of five times, boards around the world choose insider candidates when selecting a CEO, and that ratio has been…