
Articles Posted in Productivity


Processes and an emphasis on old-school efficiency or new-age learning

An article in the Harv. Bus. Rev., Vol. 85, July-Aug. 2008 at 60, distinguishes between execution-as-efficiency and execution-as-learning. If law department managers lock into the first set of beliefs –efficient, timely, consistent delivery of legal services, they run the risk that people won’t bring to their attention critical information, won’t…


A disconcerting impression of lawyers who walk and speak with ear plugs

When lawyers walk down the halls talking on a BlueTooth headset, the scene is surreal. Concerned always about confidentiality and attorney-client privilege, here is a lawyer blabbing for all the world to hear. Yet, the scene is not uncommon. It gives new meaning to “communication in the department” (See my…


Commodity legal services, routine legal services, and standardized legal services: the same?

In his book, Theodore Levitt, Thinking about Management (Free Press 1991) at 64, Levitt writes dramatically that “routinization of anything is self-immolating. It deadens alertness, attentiveness, imagination, energy, and reaction time.” Other than that, I guess, routines are fine. A page later Levitt recommends “periodic euthanasia of the organization’s accustomed…