
Articles Posted in Productivity


The 5-10 minute rule for important email messages, but it destroys productivity

It seems perverse to slow down an in-house attorney who is deluged with email, but that is what authors in Robert Haig, Ed., Successful Partnering Between Inside and Outside Counsel(Thomson Reuters/West 2009 Supp.), Vol. 1, Chapter 2 at §2:18, recommends. For important messages, write co-authors Charles Gill, Joseph Santos and…


How to add another monitor for your workspace, and why

By guest author Steven Levy There is increasing evidence that having dual monitors generates huge productivity gains. If you have a laptop, you’re already set for dual monitors. You’ve got your new widescreen beauty; your laptop screen becomes the second monitor. For many Windows laptops, simply attaching the new monitor…


Productivity bang for the buck with a large monitor

Law Department Management Blog welcomes guest blogger Steven Levy. For a number of years, Steven was the Senior Director, Information Systems Department, Microsoft Legal and Corporate Affairs. You can dramatically improve your computer-time productivity with a simple – and increasingly inexpensive – device. Of course, you may have to beg…


Lawyer intelligence, judged by law school rank, might alter legal department management

The authors of a chapter in Laura Empson, ed., Managing The Modern Law Firm: New Challenges New Perspectives (Oxford Univ. Press 2007) at 104, wanted to operationalize quality for the law firms they were studying. To operationalize is to devise a metric that represents some soft attribute (See my post…


Five distortions that afflict groups: group think, false consensus, chill, and passive-aggressive, and dominance

Groupthink: Group members can collectively – and often unconsciously – pressure dissidents to agree to a position the majority favors. According to James Dunning’s recent comment “’Groupthink,’ as it is known in less eminent circles, can literally be lethal – the Columbia space shuttle disaster but one awful example. Dunning…