Based on my consulting impressions, general counsel are not all that enamored with cross-selling by partners of a firm they have retained. (By the way, I define cross selling as an effort to persuade a purchaser of one kind of legal services to try the firm on another kind of…
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel
Seven reasons why law departments do not take dramatic action against costs
Jordan Furlong writes clearly and persuasively about three telling reasons why general counsel haven’t sharpened their cost-cutting knives. Midway through he summarize his reasons: “I actually think the first two reasons account for most of the problem: GCs are under-incentivized and overburdened by distracted bosses. But even if and when…
“Some of the Partners’ Infighting Was Apparent to Us”
… groaned the GC, commenting on the competition going on between two partners from a large law firm who battled right in front of him for his attention. Each of the two partners wanted the right to be credited as “Billing Partner” and in addition appeared to hate each other…
Blanket waivers sought by law firms
Large law firms will accept smaller assignments if doing so will not conflict them out of larger assignments later. In fact, Corp. Counsel, Vol. 15, Aug. 2008 at 22, states that “more companies are being asked to sign a blanket waiver that allows a firm to represent a client’s rivals…
Should general counsel insist that their outside law firms use legal-offshore personnel?
This was one of the questions Paul Boynton asked me on a recent podcast. My response was “no, but that is an interesting possibility.” As I thought about it later, there is no reason a general counsel can’t ask a responsible partner who does a lot of work for the…
“The Firm Should Market Me More” [Bruce Heintz, Outside Looking In]
… requested the GC, explaining that one of the roles of the relationship partner is to act as a talent agent to introduce the firm’s rising stars and up-and-coming practice areas. But I thought that law departments were tired of the constant sales pitches and cross-sell attempts made by their…
Debut of guest author, Bruce Heintz, as Outside Looking In
Law Department Management Blog welcomes as a guest author leading law-firm consultant Bruce Heintz. Bruce has written five posts which will appear in the next few days. Each begins with a pithy quote from a GC that raises a particular law department management issue. Next, Bruce asks readers a question…
Some specifics about an RFP process for single lawsuits
Alex Arato, associate general counsel of CA Inc., recently described his law department’s RFP process. As reported in InsideCounsel, Jan. 2009 at 58, Arato solicits around five to seven firms for proposals on individual matters. That number makes sense (See my post of Oct. 26, 2007: seven tips for more…
Purging 80 percent of your law firms and permitting the survivors only alternative billing
ITV, the public broadcasting network for TV in Britain, slashed the number of external law firms it uses from almost 50 to nine, according to Corp. Counsel, Vol. 16, Feb. 2009 at 52. Moreover, group legal director and general counsel Andrew Garard selected the nine firms for three-year terms and…
Four ideas for how to tell law firms to best respond to your RFP
Karen Kaplowitz of The New Ellis Group issues periodic newsletters, one of which contains several suggestions for how law firms can improve their RFP responses. Three of them would be good for your law department to suggest to the firms competing for your business. Answer each question as briefly as…