
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


A fixed fee to handle 450 labor, employment and ERISA cases over five years

A white paper entitled “eLawforum: Transforming Legal Services,” published in February 2004 at 11, describes a large-scale competitive bid. The unnamed Fortune 500 company packaged its labor, employment and ERISA litigation over a projected five-year period. The package envisioned that there would be 450 cases in these practice areas, and…


Codes of Business Conduct and what in-house counsel can accept as gifts or business entertainment

Many Codes of Business Conduct lay out ground rules that limit what employees, including lawyers, can accept from outside business contacts, such as law firm partners or vendors wooing them for business (See my post of Nov. 5, 2007: law-firm marketing with 8 references.) . One Code states: “You may…


We need a common definition for “regional law firms” as compared to “rim biggies”

To share thoughts about regional law firms, we need a definition, and one part is the negative definition that they are not large, national law firms (See my post of Dec. 27, 2008: definition of “small” law department; and Dec. 29, 2008: definition of a medium-size department.). Those firms are…