
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


Rating law firms – learn from a clever rating system of arbitrators and mediators

Amidst all the hoopla about rating law firms online, along comes a respected organization that hopes to have online ratings of “neutrals” available in early 2010 (See my post of Nov. 5, 2009: collected assessments by law departments of their firms with 10 references.). The ABA J., Vol. 95, Dec.…


Shouldn’t law departments reciprocate prompt billing with prompt payment?

Clients rightfully want law firms to bill promptly. No surprise bills late in the year! No laggard invoices – management delayed is management denied. That granted, chief legal officers can consider two techniques: (1) insist that law firms submit all bills within 30 days of the end of a month…


Consider a per diem charge by law firm lawyers to cover all their meals

Consulting to a large government agency, I have come to appreciate the Federal Government’s billing arrangement known as the “per diem.” For every major city, the Government sets an amount that it will reimburse each day for meals and incidentals. My life is immensely easier and less full of receipts…


LawBidding: no-cost site for law departments to post questions about legal issues and receive proposals

Nick Cronin, an attorney who works in-house at a Wisconsin corporation, founded Law Bidding early this year. He wrote me and explained that “ lets businesses (and individuals) post legal issues and then allows attorneys who have registered with the site to search cases and place bids on the work.…


Diversity: Coca-Cola’s law department and its best-in-class evaluation of “partner” firms

Geoff Kelly, Coca-Cola’s general counsel, describes one step taken by his legal department does, being a 2009 Employers of Choice winner cited in Diversity & the Bar, Vol. 11, Nov./Dec. 2009 at 12. Each year the department sends a questionnaire to its 32 US “partner” firms that asks them to…