
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


An old-fashioned, client-disrespecting view by a well-known law firm of invoice information

A quote in the IBA Daily News, Oct. 5, 2010 at 1, stunned me. Speaking on a panel at the International Bar Association Vancouver Conference, a partner from Simpson Thacher & Bartlett openly shared a set of beliefs that should have been long discredited. On the subject of invoicing, Todd…


Law departments can learn typical charges for IP law services as detailed in AIPLA Report

Little uncertainty surrounds the typical costs of common forms of US patent and trademark services. For 18 US utility patent services, 9 trademark services, and 9 other kinds of IP services, a detailed report lays out the median charges by US law firms. Even more, the American Intellectual Property Law…


All-you-can-eat retainers to resolve specialized questions of law

If a favored law firm possesses specialized depth of knowledge, a department might negotiate a retainer agreement. Under such an agreement, some or all the department’s lawyers can call the firm with questions in a defined area. For example, FCPA compliance, anti-trust, bankruptcy, or export/import complexities might do well for…


Accounting and internal audit may have qualms about AFAs with law firms

One of the panelists at the IBA annual conference this week stated that the accounting functions of some companies have problems with arrangements struck between the law department and law firms that vary from traditional hourly billing. The reason is that the companies, and their internal audit functions, are worried…


I didn’t think availability of the partner was such a big deal for in-house counsel

One of the panelists at the IBA annual conference this week showed the results of a survey of what law departments in Latin America want from their law firms. Norm Clarke, the speaker, showed that “unavailability of partners” was the key factor in client satisfaction. Partner inaccessibility may be a…