
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


NAILM, litigation management and bad blood with insurance defense firms

In August 2002, Michael Boutout, writing for the National Association of Insurance Litigation Management (NAILM) – is it actually pronounced “nail ‘em”?, cited a “recent poll conducted of more than 100 insurance defense firms.”  These law firms “felt they were consistently getting the short end of the stick when they…


Prompt payment doesn’t inspire cost consciousness in law firms, even if they give discounts

Many law departments have toyed with improvements to their billing processing that allow them to pay invoices quickly.  In return for receiving payment within five days, or some other time shorter than the customary 30-45 days, law firms supposedly discount their fees by two, three or four percent. Other than…


ROI from proprietary bill review services and products (Allegient Systems)

A white paper by Allegient Systems dated Sept. 2001 ( states data for five years of its reviewing outside counsel bills.  In the most recent year (2000), the firm reviewed 271,200 invoices totaling $648.3 million dollars (fees plus disbursements).   The net savings the company claimed came to $70.4 million. With…


External counsel and five conflict of interest puzzles

Corporate law departments that confront a conflicts situation with outside counsel should turn to Freivogel on Conflicts at Each of the seven situations discussed by Freivogel sounds very plausible; here are five: (1) a boutique you retain insists on your waiving in advance any conflicts that might arise after…


Budget matters only as far as your headlights can shine

During a recent web conference hosted by Foley & Lardner, Litigation Counsel of Cummins, Miguel Rivera, shared his experiences with budgeting.  Cummins has selected regional counsel, one counsel for each of 12 regions, and their relationship partners sit each quarter with Rivera and the Cummins lawyer responsible for the firm’s…


To tackle law firm billing, grasp the firm’s compensation system

Recent research has found that “lawyer compensation and client billing practices are inextricably connected.”  This quote from a brief summary of a paper presented by Huseyin Leblebici (Univ. of Illinois, Champaign Urbana) at a 2003 conference run by the Clifford Chance Centre for the Management of Professional Services Firms (Said…


British “panels” and American “preferred law firms”

Many British companies have selected “panels,” small groups of firms that handle a company’s legal work in certain areas, such as commercial, litigation, environmental, or human resources.  For example, the British bank, Barclays, has 37 law firms on its UK-based panels. According to an article in the Financial Times (April…


Law departments and attitudes toward hiring the 30 behemoth firms with 1,000+ lawyers

Legal departments that follow the Pied Piper of convergence, that stop using many law firms and funnel more work to the remaining firms, inevitably find themselves attracted to larger law firms.  Larger firms can handle a broader array of services and dig deep into the specialty depths of their lawyers.…