
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


Tacit billing collusion because law firms’ financial data is bruited everywhere

A provocative law review article, Lester Brickman, “The Market for Contingent Fee-Financed Tort Litigation: Is It Price Competitive?,” 25 Cardozo L.R. 65, 99 argues that contingency-fee firms stick to the same fee percentage (about 30% of the recovery) because of the so-called “signaling function” of the standard rate. The one-third…


Doubting Thomas questions the ability of generalist corporate lawyers to review some bills

The received wisdom is that in-house lawyers can knowledgeably assess the appropriateness of bills submitted by law firms. This folk wisdom can’t be doubted if the lawyer, while at the law department, has handled many similar matters with outside counsel, or if the lawyer was for some time the billing…


Tmesis, and outside lawyers vying for direct access to clients

Deep down, and in their most honest self-reflection, law firm partners might wish there were no in-house counsel. Those inside lawyers clog the arteries that would otherwise flow smoothly, but for their legal cholesterol. The unexpressed resentment is dis-lawyer-heartening – a tmesis, which means the “separation of the parts of…


Uniform Task-Based Management System (UTBMS) not up to the task

Why might those letters now mean Under-used Thereafter by Managers and Supervisors? Let’s catalog why. The task structure fit best with litigation, which accounts for something around half of the spending; the remainder of legal services never lent itself to a taxonomic approach suitable for coding. Even within litigation, the…


Golf outings and tickets sway general counsel, but not as much as law firms imagine

“Research suggests that decision-makers don’t realize just how easily and often their objectivity is compromised.” Blunt words from Daniel Gilbert, a psychology professor at Harvard, in the NY Times, April 16, 2006 at WK12, who emphasizes our penchant for uncritically accepting evidence when it pleases us (“I like firm XYZ,…