
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


Unusual partnership between British government authorities to hire law firms jointly

The law departments of 18 “local authorities” in the East Midlands of Britain created a partnership, operating under the name of EM Law Share, and appointed four external counsel. Legal Week, Vol. 8, April 27, 2006 at 4 discloses this unusual collective arrangement. Teaming together, these law departments can obtain…


Australian in-house counsel and whether they track and charge internal legal costs

According to a post on Allocature (May 31, 2006), “78.4% [don’t you love the precision?] of Australian in-house counsel do not track internal legal costs – therefore most costs are not passed back to other business units. Only 6% of Australian in-house counsel charge business units, and if they do,…


Most important factor in value by law firms: staffing and distribution of work on a matter

A presentation by a lawyer from TD Bank Financial Group explains that the Group measures the value obtained from outside counsel by their rates, their efficiency, and their “file management,” which “is the single most important factor.” File (matter) management concerns how a law firm staffs a matter and how…