
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


The facts belie the claim that law firms ignore the cost of outside counsel services

Inside Counsel, July 2007 at 58, summarizes three findings with a provocative conclusion: “[I]n-house counsel think their outside firms are oblivious to the need to cut costs.” Finding one is that most law firms pad their bills. Unfortunately, aside from interpretive difficulties, the number of in-house lawyers who agreed with…


Partners in law firms are rich as Croesus – or is that what law department lawyers think?

InsideCounsel, July 2006 at 52, printed the results of 407 law department lawyers, of which about 200 were general counsel, who gave their views on the statement “Law firms make too much money.” Far more agreed to it (43%) than disagreed (19%), while the remainder chose “neutral” (See my post…


Different views on cost efforts of law firms, but methodological imperfections galore

For its latest survey of in-house counsel and law firms, Inside Counsel, July 2007 at 58, reports that 862 in-house counsel responded, of which 40 percent were general counsel. Many respondents were with large departments as the median department had 39 lawyers. About one sixth as many lawyers in private…


The power of guidelines for when a law department lawyer should or may retain outside counsel

A principal-agent tension rears its head whenever any in-house lawyer can decide on his or her own whether to turn to outside counsel. For the principal, the law department and the company as a whole, some discipline about whether to instruct a law firm is desirable; for the agent, the…