
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


E-billing software can spot abusive billing by the same lawyer across multiple matters

Humans can do it only laboriously, but the sleuths in e-billing software can easily spot where a law firm lawyer has billed unreasonably high hours during the same day across multiple matters. If four in-house counsel each review the same month’s bills from four different matters handled by the same…


Average partner billing rates trend steadily higher as firm sizes increase

Some research done for a consulting client disclosed a clear trend for average partner rates to rise as the size of law firms increases. Specifically, as firm size increases by 100 lawyers, the average partner rate per hour increases by $13. Let’s apply this correlation. Assume the average partner billing…


A plausible goal: one quarter of your spending on outside counsel being non-hourly billing?

Here is a challenge for all law departments: strive to have at least 25 percent of your law firm spending be on some basis other than hourly billing (or discounts from hourly billing). Previous posts have mentioned several methods (See my posts of May 24, 2006 about unit billing; Nov.…


Three techniques for in-house counsel when they negotiate terms with outside counsel

A piece in the Harvard Bus. Rev., Vol. 85, Sept. 2007 at 77, explains several good ideas for when an inside lawyer negotiates terms of a representation with a law-firm partner. Share information and encourage reciprocity. After you explain the ground rules – “I will start and you will follow…