
Articles Posted in Outside Counsel


A cash incentive to your law firms to help reduce your costs, even if their revenue drops

A profile of Mark Chandler, the General Counsel of Cisco Systems, in the Nat. L.J., April 16, 2007, Vol. 29, at 8, describes a thought-provoking possibility. Chandler asked one of Cisco’s primary law firms, Fenwick & West, “to figure out what was the 10% of their work that was the…


Some marketing efforts by law firms deemed ineffectual by law department managers

In-house lawyers want timely, specific information from law firms, not half-page advertisements, “splashing marketing brochures, newsletters and client alerts,” according to a recent piece in GC Cal. Mag., Sept. 4, 2007. Ads seem more intent on creating a favorable image of the firm – a brand image – than passing…


The dance and trip of expectations when fee discounts are tied to future amounts of work

Law departments often negotiate or demand discounts from their law firms. Sometimes the amounts of the discounts rise, according to the volume of work received from the law department (See my post of Aug. 8, 2006 on tiered discounts from hourly rates.). Because these arrangements are arrived at prospectively, neither…


Discounts for early payments of bills are infrequent

The 2006 ACC/Serengeti Managing Outside Counsel Survey gathered some metrics on prompt-payment discounts. Approximately one out of seven law departments received some discount from their law firms for early payment of the firms’ bills. Even that minority, however, receives such discounts from only about one out of five of their…