
Articles Posted in Non-Law Firm Costs


Is electronic invoicing for law departments a $2 billion market?

Deep within a Metropolitan Corporate Counsel interview of Eric Elfman, the founder and CEO of DataCert (Sept. 2005 at 33) , a sentence caught my eye. Elfman’s company, founded in 1998 – the primeval days of e-billing, has more than 70 law departments using its electronic invoice management software. “We’ve…


Sending hypothetical bills to clients to educate them about litigation expenses

The 650-lawyer law department of New York City has begun sending hypothetical bills to all the City agencies it represents in litigation. The mock bills detail how much it has cost the City to defend the agency’s cases, which is primarily inside lawyers’ time (See my earlier post today about…


Quarterly retainers billed and paid in advance. Do law departments stand up and cheer?

A site hosted by JURIS, which offers a leading law-firm time and billing system, has a post (Aug. 1, 2005) that urges firms to use retainer billing, especially retainers for the coming quarter in advance, and to periodically renegotiate the retainer rate based on activity. The note closes with the…