
Articles Posted in Non-Law Firm Costs


Top eight methods to control legal costs (InsideCounsel)

The 2006 InsideCounsel/DataCert Annual Report of Corporate Law Departments features responses from about 180 law departments. When those departments identified which of eight cost-control steps they had taken, the dominant method was to bring more work in-house. Here are the rankings from InsideCounsel, May 2006 at 70 and the percentage…


Differences in cost discipline for amounts spent on litigation as plaintiff or as defendant?

A table in the 2005 California Bureau of State Audits’ review of LA’s Office of the City Attorney estimates the distribution of services provided by outside counsel to three entities (Dept. of Water and Power, LA Airports, and LA Harbor). Of the approximately $16.1 million they spent on outside counsel…


The expert witness industry and amounts paid by law departments

One cost for law departments embroiled in litigation are fees of expert witnesses. “The expert-services industry was estimated by one insider to be reaping $6 billion to $8 billion a year,” according to the, May 14, 2006 (Barry Schlacter). A litigation manager can locate an expert through various directories,…


“Credence goods,” the risk that a firm will over-lawyer, and some protections for law departments

Experts who not only provide a valued service but also tell the customer what service is needed control both ends of what economists call a “credence good,” according to the Economist, April 15, 2006 at 78, because customers – think of a law department that retains a partner who is…