
Articles Posted in Knowledge Mgt.


Positivism and its perspectives on knowledge about law department management

The set of philosophical beliefs known as “positivism” holds that objective truth exists, that humans can accurately understand those truths, and that scientific tools best enable us to do so. Measurement, rationality, certainty, and comprehension are neither ironic nor useless terms; they connote reliable and effective beliefs that are backed…


Government legal departments post useful information online

Agencies of the federal government have disclosure obligations that go far beyond what private corporations must do. For example, you can find all sorts of information for outside counsel engaged by the FDIC on its legal department website. You can review the agency’s Outside Counsel Deskbook, Electronic Billing Deskbook, Outside…


Greatest challenges facing adoption or support of informal learning initiatives

talent mgt., June 2010 at 17, contains an extract from a survey of 520 chief learning officers. They gave their views on what hobbles programs to boost informal learning. “Too hard to measure and show ROI” (26%) “Corporate culture hinders flow of information” (22%) “Too nebulous a concept to sell…


Create one matter for an activity rather than allow several lawyers to each create their own

An intriguing idea comes from a supplement in the ACC Docket, June 2010 after 32. The supplement describes a number of managerial decisions by the legal team of Coca-Cola in Europe. One change they are discussing is how “to increase efficiency by limiting the number of files created for any…


Instant value from instant messaging among members of a legal team

A supplement in the ACC Docket, June 2010 after 32, describes how the 22 lawyers that make up Coca-Cola Europe’s legal team keep in touch. Located in 10 countries across Europe, they rely on telephone calls, email, video conferences and webexes, monthly lawyer calls, monthly reports, annual conferences, travel (to…


The silent majority of general counsel – it’s completely dark out there about what most legal departments are doing

A few general counsel relish the klieg lights of panels, quotes, and profiles, but the other 99 percent go about their business without leaving a trace for others to learn. Publicity trails a handful of spokes-GCs, and I have written about several of those whose management initiatives get cited all…


Retweets from this blog on Twitter, a snapshot from one day, and the power of the Internet to circulate management ideas

Having read about in, I searched on it for “law benchmarks”. Instantly the site showed me results for the last three days: blog and Twitter entries plus four retweets of my recent post on the 455 law departments in Release 1.0 of General Counsel Metrics. Let me clarify.…