
Articles Posted in Knowledge Mgt.


Collaboration between a legal department and its law firms on the department’s intranet

“The CBS Legal Department has created a new intranet, which is populated with substantive content designed to benefit CBS law Department’s in-house lawyers. This information, which is provided by both CBS’ in-house lawyers, as well as CBS’ retained outside law firms, includes breaking and new developments in the law and…


SharePoint application for knowledge distribution at Hilton, a global legal department

An example of how a SharePoint application helps a legal department appears in E. Leigh Dance, Bright Ideas: Insights from Legal Luminaries Worldwide (Mill City Press 2009) at 19. Tim Glassett, the former general counsel of Hilton Hotels and its 40 in-house lawyers, used SharePoint “lists” for each of the…


A new website that curates the flood of law firm updates on substantive legal developments

Robert Ambrogi, the prolific host of and other activities internetal (to coin a term), points out a useful resource for in-house attorneys. In-house lawyers may want to learn from the published work product of law firms, but how do they find the needle in the haystack of “thousands of…


Blog information legal departments have available from the AmLaw 200

The champion of legal blogging, Kevin O’Keefe, published a wonderfuly informative post on June 16, 2009 about the number of blogs maintained by the US’s largest firms, the AmLaw 200. Having just written about one firm that monitors blogs and circulates references to itself (ironically, Wachtell is not listed by…