
Articles Posted in Benchmarks


Going beyond lawyers per billion – practice area benchmark metrics

In a recent consulting project, we gathered benchmark data from leading companies on their in-house counsel in several substantive specialties: corporate, litigation, intellectual property, and compliance, were included. We normalized those figures against the companies’ revenue, such as IP lawyers per billion of revenue. Even though comparable law departments can…


Complexity of legal services (retrospective insight but prospect gaming)

The Office of the General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board spends much of its time handling charges of unfair labor practices (ULPs). An excellent report in 1999 by the General Counsel, Fred Feinstein, helps us think about quantifying legal complexity. [] ULP determinations had become more complex. The…


Benchmarking – metrics, practices or both

Are your department’s vital statistics as shapely as those of competitors? Gathering those comparative metrics, such as lawyers per billion dollars of revenue, means one kind of benchmarking. Studying how other law departments handle a practice, such as document discovery, means another kind of benchmarking. With practices benchmarking, a general…


Yet, total legal spending as a percent of revenue declines with company size

Ever since publishing my book on law department benchmarks, and despite consulting mostly to law departments of large companies, I am still mystified why total legal spending declines (as a percentage of revenue) as company revenue rises. A research paper, however, perplexed me further.  It cited a 1990 survey of…