
Articles Posted in Benchmarks


It’s inappropriate to compare fully-loaded hourly costs inside to average partner rates outside

I saw this done in a presentation. It’s wrong. Even if the inside lawyers supervising or working on a matter are as experienced as or more experienced than the law firm’s partners, the comparison ignores the firm’s leverage. Data I developed for a law department shows that roughly 40 percent…


Why this data for patent litigation and expert witness fees can’t be true

An article in the, May 14, 2006 (Barry Schlacter) quoted Brian Reuter of Guideline, Inc., a firm that supplies technology expert witnesses. All praise mystical metrics! “In patent litigation, the average cost per side is $2 million. There [were] 2,814 patent litigation filings in 2003, which means about $11…


Cycle time for lawsuits – 48 months reduced to less than 12 months (FMC Technologies)

At FMC Technologies, according to its general counsel, Jeffrey Carr, several management initiatives slashed the length of time its law suits typically last. According to CFO Mag., Oct. 1, 2005 (Russ Banham), FMC Technologies drastically cut the number of firms it paid most of its fees and set up for…


Metrics normalized per lawyer may distort understanding and comparisons

One of the most common denominators in law department benchmarks is number of lawyers. Lawsuits divided by number of lawyers, patents divided by IP lawyers, paralegals per lawyer, and inside spend per lawyer are examples. That method of normalizing data across many law departments, unfortunately, disadvantages law departments on inside…


If you increase leverage in your department, you drive up your fully-loaded cost per lawyer hour

Previous posts have addressed different aspects of the fully-loaded cost per hour of corporate counsel (See my post of Nov. 16, 2005 and links; Aug. 15, 2005 on facilities costs; and Dec. 16, 2005 on consequences of understating this metric.) What hasn’t been discussed is the invidious effect on it…