
Articles Posted in Benchmarks


To measure a process-improvement ratio is a fool’s errand

Once more I attack the Nov. 10, 2005 report by The Corporate Legal Standard, and specifically one item in a table entitled Top 25 Law Department Operations Metrics (at 10). One mouthful of a metric sounds innocuous yet impressive: “ratio of law department business processes undergoing automation/business processing reengineering/Six Sigma…


A breakthrough productivity measure for legal departments – pages per intern

Chicopee, MA Mayor Michael D. Bissonnette was quoted in The Republican, Oct. 27, 2006 on development of the city’s properties. Evidently the city has had no central register of its properties such as schools, parks, strip islands, and right-of-ways. The Mayor said he is analyzing a report completed by a…


Analytic tools for law department data – the Gini coefficient of concentration

Previously I have explored ways to depict and analyze law department data (See my two posts of Oct. 1, 2006 on graphics and visual techniques.). Other techniques of data exegesis are available for law department managers. One statistical tool is the “Gini coefficient”, a measure of concentration. If the Gini…


Extrapolating GC compensation from the top five compensated executives

Publicly-traded companies in the US must disclose each year the compensation of their five highest-paid executives. What those executives make in base, bonus, stock options, restricted stock grants and otherwise is all laid out in tables. It’s fairly easy to use that data, when compiled for general counsel in an…