
Articles Posted in Benchmarks


Standard deviations as measures of volatility (law department spending)

Let’s convert a common description for stock markets – volatility – to an application for law departments. A law department tracks the amount of all bills that come from outside counsel each quarter. The department then creates a chart with columns corresponding to the number of bills it receives during…


For law departments, does “data mining” mean anything other than analyzing data?

Met. Corp. Counsel, Vol. 15, Feb. 2007 at 28, includes an interview of Mark Holton, the general counsel of RJ Reynolds. Holton uses the chic term “data mining” repeatedly and uses it interchangeably with “data analysis” to describe what his department does with the e-billing data it amasses. He doesn’t…


Update post on Open Legal Standards Initiative and it Top 25 Key Performance Indicators

Five posts savaged an assortment of metrics in the November 10, 2005 overview of the Open Legal Standards Initiative (OLSI, a non-profit entity) (See my posts of Sept. 13, 2006 (2); Sept. 17, 2006; Nov. 2 and 5, 2006.). Nina Wong, the CEO of Corporate Legal Standard (a for-profit company)…


Experienced commentary on my post about patent awards

Michael Woods made several points regarding my comments on PricewaterhouseCooper’s study of patent litigation (See my post of Dec. 31, 2006). First, wrote Woods, “although 53% of the cases result in damage awards, according to the study, the study does not count injunctions, summary judgments, and motions to dismiss. The…