The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), part of the University of Denver, recently published a survey report. The academics who conducted the survey of legal departments excel in their background explanation of how they accumulated and organized the data in the report. All surveyors…
Articles Posted in Benchmarks
Unbalanced representation by regions, so far, in the largest-ever benchmark survey
According to the headquarters country they stated, I assigned each of the 455 law departments in the first release of the General Counsel Metrics benchmark report to one of seven regions. The pattern that became apparent shows lopsided participation. North America – 281; Continental Europe – 87; Central Europe and…
Sub silentio: one reason why a benchmark participant might request anonymity
My most recent column for InsideCounsel, under the nom de plume of “Morrison on Metrics,” gave data on the number of participants in the General Counsel Metrics global benchmark survey who requested anonymity. I speculated on several reasons why they did not want to have the name of their company…
A colorful peek at the world’s largest benchmark report (500+ departments)
This is but one of the 60-page report’s many graphical pages, showing quartiles and other metrics. The next release will cover well more than 500 legal departments, so click here and get your report in its entirety in July. Clicking on the graphic below will not get you to the…
The right information to present about data collection and participants in a survey
Ranting about methodological shortcomings of surveys doesn’t help me much. If I pick at this survey because it uses misleading averages, that survey because it hides the number of participants, and another survey because its sample size is very small, other collectors of survey data may not understand in the…
Survey data on the cases most commonly litigated by US companies
Respondents to a survey a few months back indicated the three types of cases most commonly litigated by the company. The most frequently selected were “contract disputes” (54%), “employment discrimination” (41%), and “personal injury” (26%). In addition, “complex commercial,” “product liability,” and “intellectual property” were reported by 19%, 18%, and…
Data on general counsel who participate in multiple benchmark studies
Many general counsel appreciate benchmark efforts. More than 300 have done so in the recently released General Counsel Metrics, LLC Global Benchmark Survey. But, what about total participation rates? Of the three other benchmark surveys that are available for purchase, out of the total of 515 participants listed in their…
Objet trouve benchmarks from a factoid about Unilever’s patent function
The chief patent counsel at Unilever, Matthew Goodwin, directs “one hundred people in seven offices worldwide,” according to InsideCounsel,June 2010 at 44. That is all the piece says about metrics but with a few minutes research what can we build off that single quote? Unilever’s revenue in 2009 was about…
Why a small slice of benchmark participants request anonymity
In the first group of 445 participants in the General Counsel Metrics, LLC global benchmark report, 43 of them asked to remain anonymous (less than 10%). They did not want the first release of the report to list them as a respondent. For several reasons, I surmise, they requested anonymity.…
Why a small slice of benchmark participants request anonymity
In the first group of 445 participants in the General Counsel Metrics, LLC global benchmark report, 43 of them asked to remain anonymous (less than 10%). They did not want the first release of the report to list them as a respondent. For several reasons, I surmise, they requested anonymity.…