
Best practices defined in terms of diversity

The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) has defined diversity best practices. By my summary, a best practice as to diversity (1) promotes it, (2) addresses barriers to it, (3) evidences serious commitment from management, (4) builds in management accountability, (5) is implements conscientiously, and (6) shows noteworthy results.

My initial observation was that diversity best practices must be rare. Since the definition is cumulative, not disjunctive, the standard soars high above nearly all law department achievements. Most initiatives fall short, if only on management accountability and noteworthy results. Not so, it seems, for diversity best practices, since the report publishes a preliminary set of ten.

My second thought was that if you substitute any other goal in place of diversity – perhaps technology use, leadership development, succession planning, or outside counsel management – you could apply the same sextet of desirable characteristics for a best practice.