
Attenex Corporation’s proportionality framework for e-discovery projects

The key idea behind Attenex’s six-dimension framework is that e-discovery production should be proportionate to the needs of the case. A law department should look at (1) the value of the case in monetary and non-monetary terms; (2) the size of the effort, which includes the number of custodians, pages of discoverable material, and types of files; (3) the degree of focus of the collection effort; (4) the complexity of the case; (5) the format and control of production; and (6) the timeframe for review and production.

A law department should score a case on each dimension, using a scale of 1 to 5, where the higher the number, the greater the sophistication and cost of the discovery process. The rest of the 10-page white paper explains actions a department can take based on the scoring.