
An update on posts about innovation and creativity in legal departments

What’s new and shiny catches my eye, even though I believe that tortoise-like incremental improvements hold more promise for legal departments than do hare-racing radical changes. I also believe that opportunities to do something new, even if small potatoes, surround around everyone in a law department, all the time.

Many recent posts here build on previous collections and add to the composite picture of innovation (See my post of Oct. 19, 2009: advantages of a second mover; Nov. 25, 2009 #2: path dependency and innovation; Jan. 12, 2010: some want to keep their innovations quiet; Jan. 19, 2010: Gatehouse Bank and its new service line; Feb. 1, 2010: European general counsel do not push their firms for new software; Feb. 22, 2010: three new ideas from European law departments on fees of firms; March 8, 2010: law department benchmarks and five innovations; March 23, 2010: three modes of imitation; April 28, 2010 #1: Dell’s web portal wins award; and May 21, 2010: positive deviance.).