
An in-house group united to reform international arbitration

Cross-border legal disputes can lead to arbitration, but complaints about arbitration’s costs and delays have increased to the point where the inside attorneys at more than 50 multinational corporations have come together to improve the situation. The group, described in Corp. Counsel, Feb. 2010 at 18-19, calls itself the Corporate Counsel International Arbitration Group. It aims to find ways to shorten elapsed time and reduce costs of international arbitrations (See my post of Nov. 8, 2009: transaction costs of arbitration; adn Jan. 16, 2008: arbitration with 14 references.).

Doing some research, I found that the group formed actually formed in 2006 and was written about here. Aside from its admirable goal, the CCIAG adds to the list I put together of special-interest groups for in-house lawyers (See my post of Feb. 4, 2010: affinity groups.).