
A quiz with a reward about unusual vocabulary on this blog

For those of you who enjoy unusual words and have read my blog attentively, here is a quiz. Anyone who emails me with three or more correct definitions will get a personalized prize!

1. Ampakines
2. Cogniceuticals
3. Haggis
4. Hypostatize
5. Kedging
6. Lagniappe;
7. Quantophrenic
8. Quixotic
9. Schadenfreud
10. Scheissenbedauren
11. Skivving
12. Spruiking
13. Tmesis

By the way, one of my simpatico readers actually sent me a book of unusual words, which warmed my sesquipedalian heart.

Unlike the NY Times Magazine and its Sunday crossword puzzle, I won’t wait until next week to reveal the answers (See my posts of March 2, 2008 #4: ampakines; June 11, 2008: cogniceuticals; Sept. 22, 2005: haggis; Jan. 1, 2008: hypostatize; Aug. 12, 2008; kedging; April 17, 2006: lagniappe; Feb. 8, 2006: quantophrenic; Dec. 11, 2006: quixotic; May 20, 2005: schadenfreud; Oct. 15, 2005: scheissenbedauren; Nov. 9, 2006: skiving; Dec. 21, 2005: spruiking; and April 26, 2006: tmesis.).